Darla is about 28lbs. She is a very funny dog. She likes to walk on her hind legs. Her tail Is always wagging. She loves to play.
Daphne is an F1 Goldendoodle. Daphne is a very independent dog, She likes to play ball and wander the house. She takes time to get to know you. Loves the dog park.
Clover is the ultimate cuddler. She is the best mom dog. She is extremely loving. She loves to play, she happily steals other dogs puppies, she loves kids and babies, and other animals.
London is a laid back dog. She loves to cuddle and be held. She likes long sun naps and extra love. She loves the kids and baby. She is very sweet.
Mochi is about 25lbs and is a wonderful dog. Happy Go Lucky like most of the rest of our pups.
Agatha - She is the wild child, Fun care free and super duper cuddly! Ohhhh Aggy is often a phrase said around here. She is always into something.